Thursday, January 10, 2008

Maududian salafi and the true Salafi

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,
Sub: Maududian salafi and the true Salafi
It is very much relevant to remember the saying of prophet salallahu alaihiwasalam now; obedience is only in goodness not in falseness.
It is not mandatory for a Muslim to obey any scholar or even our beloved parents or children if their opinion, views etc are against Qur’an and Sunna. Instead of looking to scholar’s opinion Muslims have to see what Qur’an and Sunna says. But in contrary to the fact Muslims have been blindly following the opinions of Scholars. This is one of the main reasons for the existing madhabi system among contemporary Muslims. They will accept only the views of their Sheiks but the same time their sheiks are not free from mistakes or infallible. So that, by accepting the views of the sheik in blindly they will adopt their mistakes also in their life. Its consequences may differ depend upon the seriousness of the mistakes of the Sheiks/ scholars. Because of this reason Salafi movement in all over the world urge Muslims to go back to Qur’an and Sunna. Those who want to follow the manhaj of salaf they have to see first what the Qur’an and Sunna said and how did our pious predecessors understand that. Those who follow this methodology/ manhaj to understand Qur’an and Sunna can be called a Salafi. It is not a group of particular people gathered together in a place but you might see them every corner of the world. They could be identified by their methodology in understanding and interpreting Qur’an and Sunna as our pious predecessors had done.
Again I have to object you strongly on your remarks made about maududi as you said ''Maududi was correct in saying that elections/democracy is not from the deen, but was not correct in applying it in the lands here''. By saying these words you are completely admitting Maududi’s Aqeeda on election and democracy but disagree with him in its application. It means still you are considering democracy as a Shirk based on the Ayat 40 from Surat Yusuf.
You have severely misunderstood about Maududi’s Islam. Maududi has said that it is an obligatory for Muslim to establish Islamic state by removing un-Islamic state. For this, he has changed even the pure concept of basic terms in Quran like Ebaada, Elaah, Rabb, Deen etc. According to him Deen means State, Sharia means Constitution of the state, Ilaah means ruler of the state, Ibaada means obedience to the ruler. He claims that if a Muslim obeys the ruler of a un- Islamic government it is an Ibaada to that ruler. By doing so, he is associating partner to Allah and hence, became Mushriq and Kaffir (From Four Basic Quranic Terms, Malayalam edition). He also said that prayer, fasting, Zakkah, Hajj etc are training Muslims to establish a state. He formed a 'new way of life', a politically oriented ideology in the name of Islam.
Neither prophet (peace be upon him) nor people of the best of the nation did not say that Deen is state as Maududi said. Instead of using socialist state, democratic state, Maududi has used Socialist Deen, democratic Deen, Raja deen (autocracy) etc and he added that "every deen required its own power to exist, Deen without power is just like someone staying in an imaginary home, Islam cannot exist in a not ruling Islamic state, so it is the duty of every Muslim to establish Islamic state by removing un-Islamic Govt" for more information read Maududi's Qutbaat page 295 to 298. He had declared that changing the power from British to Indian would be similar to changing the Laatha to Manatha (two deities of Jahiliya Makka). By doing so he compared it with idol worshipping.
I really feel pity on you now. Your enmity towards KNM has trapped you in such great blunder and difficult situation. My dear brother you have still time to correct your aqeeta. Do you know how was Maududi elected as the first Ameer/ president for Jamaat e Islami Hind? It was after the election in the first meeting which held at Pathankot in Punjab in 1942. If you would say again Maududi was correct in saying that elections/ democracy is not from Deen, I would like to remind you about our everlasting destiny in the life after death. Correct yourself. The source you have chosen to learn Islam is really deserved to be in danger. Let me quote the saying of our beloved prophet (peace be upon him); whoever sought guidance from books other than the Quran, Allah will lead him astray (At-Tirmidhi 2906).
Maududi claimed that he was the only person who could understand the meaning of Elaah, Rabb, Ebatha, and Deen and it was hidden among the Muslims up to him after the first century. MahadaAllah! (Quran ki Chaar Bunyaadi Istilaahen page No.14, Malayalam edition). There are lot of Islamic scholars were passed away from the first century to Maududi but he dared to say that the actual meaning of these four terms was not known by anybody. Let us seek refuge to Allah, the Almighty God. So, what it means? Muslims those who died during this period of time were not actual Muslims? Because they did not know the actual concept of these four terms according to Maududi. It is the grace of Allah that Maududi had born only 20th century otherwise he would have converted many salafees (?) to Maududi's Islam i.e. Jamaat'e Islami.
My dear brother there is big conspiracies have been going on against the Salafi movement in all over the world. So please don’t be a part of it. The recent split in the salafi movement in Kerala is a best example for this kind. Judge yourself before you being judged. May Allah include us among the blessed people and help us to remove our predominant and prejudiced attitude towards understanding the true Islam and fellow Muslims.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and in the here after
Affectionately yours,
Mammedutty Nilambur

1 comment:

Unknown said...

masha allah ...
jazakkumulla khair